You too can brew the perfect cup of tea!

Breakwater Edge Logo Purple background with image of teapot and cup. Reads: Breakwater Edge Where it's always tea Time


Tea is not just a beverage; it's an experience. To truly enjoy a perfect cup of tea, one must understand the art and science behind brewing it. Here are some expert tips on how to brew the perfect cup of hot tea. If you prefer iced tea, check out our ultimate guide here.

1. Start with Quality Tea Leaves

The foundation of a great cup of tea lies in the quality of the tea leaves. Opt for loose leaf tea over tea bags for a more flavourful and aromatic brew. Choose a tea variety that suits your taste preferences, whether it's white, black, green, oolong, or herbal

2. Use the Right Water Temperature

Each type of tea requires a specific water temperature for brewing. For example, green tea should be brewed at around 75-85°C, while black tea can handle boiling water at 100°C. Use a thermometer to ensure the water is at the correct temperature for the best results.

3. Steep for the Right Amount of Time

Over-steeping or under-steeping tea can result in a bitter or weak brew. Follow the recommended steeping time for the type of tea you are brewing. Generally, black teas need 3-5 minutes, green teas need 2-3 minutes, and herbal teas need 5-7 minutes.

4. Cover While Steeping

Covering your tea while it steeps helps retain the heat and aroma, resulting in a more flavourful cup. Use a lid or a saucer to cover the teapot or cup while the tea is brewing.

5. Strain or Remove Tea Leaves

Once the tea has steeped for the appropriate amount of time, remove the tea leaves or strain the tea to prevent over-extraction. Leaving the tea leaves in the water can make the tea taste bitter. Using this strainer makes it easy to remove the leaves from your cup or pot once the tea has steeped.

6. Enjoy Without Distractions

For the ultimate tea-drinking experience, savour your cup of tea without any distractions. Take a moment to appreciate the aroma, flavour, and warmth of the perfect brew you've created.

By following these expert tips, you can elevate your tea brewing skills and enjoy a truly exceptional cup of tea every time.

Cheers to Good Tea!

Jennifer & Gail


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